
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Worst PC Fair Ever . . .

  Well. . . the PC Fair it self is not very bad, with all the awesome showgirl, but is all about how we get there. All is so troublesome and frustrating stupid bas, stupid LRT, especially the stupid Putra train pack like sardine can. Usually we went to KLCC, where the PC Fair is held by, RapidKL bus B114, from Taman Maluri straight to KLCC fuss free and simple. So why didn't take the bus ? All because of the ISA Protesting and illegal assembly thing awh . . . it sucks . . . really. . . when we are coming back, the worst case scenario begins . . . the Masjid Jamek Putra-Star LRT interchange station was close and force us to stop at the station ahead and walk to Plaza Rakyat Star LRT station which is about few kilometre apart, damn it  . . . it is so tiresome and my leg doesn't feel like mine anymore, awh. . . I felt like dying . . .  Well if you don't know what happen watch this video bellow . . . This is why they had close the Masjid Jamek LRT station. . .


  Talk about PC Fair, I bought a Seagate Raptor External Drive 1TB for about  RM314. The price is quite ok, but I am not quite satisfy with the speed and the storage I get, as it is written 1TB which means 1000GB but instead I getting like 931GB that is like 69GB lost, that is a big amount. Well, is not their fault is the law is like that de as you know when you bought a thumb drive rated 8GB you get only 7.5+GB only . . .Desktop

  Anyway I am quite happy at last I get my 1TB . . . Muahahahaha and this is the picture of it . . . Don't blame me, I got no camera yet so take this picture from the internet ^^

expansion desktopexpansion desktop

  I also get my very own hand on the latest iPhone 3GS, awh. . . I am getting 1 next year as promise by my Dad if i get 5A in SPM. I really Need to study very Hard for it. iPhone Here I come !

  Here is the Show Girl you all have been waiting tada . . .



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