
Thursday, August 20, 2009

H1N1 in SMK St. Gabriel

  Our school had 1 student confirm with Influenza A H1N1 positive. .  and another one suspected, blood test result coming out today.

  5G class has been quarantined and all of the 5G student had gone back home early today and should be absent by tomorrow. . .

  There is 1 from 5G who had a confirmed case and another 1 waiting for blood result today. . . Really hope that they two could recover soon . . .

  I am one of the suspect too because both of them is my friend. . .

  May them recover as soon as possible. . . May God bless them. . .

  Our whole school gone havoc when the teacher had confirm that our classmate had been infected with Influenza A H1N1, mask were wear by everybody instantly while being distribute by our teacher.

  You can see all teacher and student were wearing mask everywhere after our school recess, everybody was panic, scared and curious about what happen. . .

  News spread quickly, all the Radio Gabrian club member and Editorial Board member were ask to be quarantined and later including 5G class. . .

  I wonder how will our school look like tomorrow ?


At time of typing Malaysia had

4225 case and 67 died

For more info you can go to the link below. . .

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