
Friday, July 17, 2009


  Well, I should had written this on Monday but I am just too lazy. Well, I went to a camp last Friday till Sunday. So what so special about it ? IT IS THE MOST DRAMATIC CAMP I EVER BEEN THROUGH !!!

  Know what, on the second day while we are playing station game, a game that you go through station hosted by facilitator and do whatever they told you to. Our leader of our camp, student of course, being accuse of having drug 10kg in the form of paper. We all thought it was a joke and the facilitator say they will send our two so called leader out of the camp. We are like thinking “so what, is all fake right” ya it turn out to pretty real but still fake, but we need to cooperate with them so that the drama could be completed. During the moment they are leaving they wanted us to fight for them indirectly making us more aware of the importance of friendship.

  Well you know, Malaysia is a multi racial country, which compromise 3 major race Malay, Chinese and Indian. 3 different way of fighting , the Chinese, fight through the official way, talk with the teacher and debate with them. The Malay and Indian are more extreme, blocking the car and do impolite thing to the facilitator. There is even 1 Indian say that he rather to die and don’t let the car go. Pure acting . . . They all like to do this kinda of thing, just for your info the Chinese which is the first 1 who stands out and talk to the teacher and the Malay are just talking at the back don’t even dare to talk in front of the teacher. After that we went to night trekking also, quite a nice experience walking alone in the dark in the jungle full of thing we don’t understand.

  The next day we went to the survival course, just so small speech teaching us the basic’s of living in the jungle, what do you do when you get lost in the jungle and blah blah blah. The speech take place in the jungle not the camp site. When we are going back to the camp site we saw a bunch of fire burning and several of our friend bleeding and lying on the flour. Ya is fake, and we must save them using our skill . . . Acting skill I guess ?

  Well anyway is still the Best camp I have ever been through  . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok lah this post...
But PleaseE... use Proper WOrds n language mah...Hurt Others Ppl FEeling De Tau ...not me Lah of Cos ...
N i'm noT SENSitiVE.....!!!!!!