Its been a 1 hour journey as the KTM slowly moves on…… very slowly……. and stinky……and very very slowly…….
Anyway it was a smooth journey without any big obstacles nor trouble nor delay ^^ All the train or bus or whatever sort of public transport arrive right at time ^^ The RapidKL bus even waited us outside the Subang Jaya Station and send us straight to the Taylor College.
OK Stop crapping and here comes the photo !
Maybe tomorrow ^^ here is some teaser ^^
Not form my camera …. me no DSLR T.T so cant take this kinda stunning photo later posting me with her Hatsune MIku ! Taking picture together ^^ Her name was Felicia according to the cosplay cafe menu ...
Many many many many many many Figure …. each costing RM300+ or more !!!
Instead of tomorrow I posted today !!! Thx to Leon camera plus the guy call Valho at Danny Choo de Blog. He took amazing shoot really all thanks to him ^^
Me with Leon ^^ Plus Seng seng
My favourites Picture
Nah Dun ask me I don’t know what is he cosplaying XP
He was one of the cosplay cafe’s waiter which including Hatsune Miku ^^
More Other Cosplay-er